Short ways
Welcome to MyGermanWay - your reliable partner for the integration of international medical professionals.
Your certified academy with quality seal according to AZAV offers you further education for medical professions. Our AZAV qualifications are refinanced by the Federal Employment Agency. Online continuing education.
As a licensed Telc examination center for German language exams to obtain an official language certificate for residence permit, training or study in Germany.
Fachsprache MTR Kenntnisprüfung für MTR German Exams German courses Telc Exams
The focus on people
Wie have the perfect Job for you in Germany
Katherine, Marta und Elena aus Spanien
Sie arbeiten in der Strahlentherapie. In Spanien haben sie geringere Karrieremöglichkeiten. Jetzt bereiten sie sich auf die Eignungsprüfung im Rahmen der Berufsanerkennung vor während sie ein Gehalt erhalten und Berufserfahrung sammeln.

MyGermanWay begleitet uns die ganze Zeit. Marta sagt: "Sie haben ein Fussballverein für mich gesucht, damit ich mich in Deutschland integrieren kann. Bei allen Fragen haben wir unsere Mentorin kontaktiert. Sie hat uns immer geholfen". Katherina: " Ich bereite mich gerade auf die Eignungsprüfung für die Berufsanerkennung vor" Der Onlinekurs ist genau was ich brauche, weil die Prüfungssimulationen mir Sicherheit geben."
Katherina, Marta und Elena aus Spanien
MTR in der StrahlentherapieOnboarding
We understand how important good preparation is for the success of the integration of international professionals.
As a certified academy, we offer not only general German courses, but also special qualifications in the context of professional recognition for medical professionals.
Candidates receive integration seminars before and after entry.
The new department can organize onbording seminar for successful open integration in the company and society for long term success with us.
Personal support through the entire application process with clear structures until obtaining the German certificate and integration in Germany

Integration through qualification

The professional recognition
Your certified academy offers a complete solution for the entry, accompaniment and qualification of international medical professionals.
MyGermanWay is certified according to AZAV by the Federal Employment Agency and promotes the work in Germany... Your advantage: Our training courses are financed up to 100% by the Federal Employment Agency and employers receive a remuneration subsidy.
Fachsprache für MTR Kenntnisprüfung für MTR allgemeine Deutschkurse
Does your company wish to have an interview?
We clarify your questions on the topics of recruiting international professionals, professional recognition and visa issues. Talk to our expert and make an appointment directly.

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